Are you excited to take

your idea, hobbY, or business to the next level?

Meet Your Instructor

Sharika Abercrombie

Hello, future millionaires. I'm Sharika Abercrombie, I have been in business since 2014. My Journey started when I founded a 501C3 non-profit organization called C.H.O.I.C.E which stands for Chosen 2 Help Others In Communities Everywhere. I mentored at-risk teens and tweens. Two years later, in 2016, I started Choice Credit Solutions, a highly successful credit restoration company. During this time, I noticed many business owners working in their businesses but had little to no time to work on further developing their businesses. They lacked business structure, a streamlined workflow, a highly converting website, automation for mundane tasks, marketing tools & strategies, and no financial direction. Their business could not grow due to not maximizing their potential cash flow.

After seeing so many businesses in disarray, I thought to myself, why is this? When we get a normal job the first thing the company does is train us to properly do our job. However, when you start a business, there is no training, so most business owners just wing it. So I set out on a mission to empower aspiring and current business owners. With my extensive knowledge of business structure and development, I began offering them proper education on how to start, operate, and grow their businesses. Along with teaching credit, business, and finance at our local community center.

After 2 years of 1 on 1's, I decided to take my own advice and scale my business, so that I could help hundreds of business owners at a time. As a result, I created Virtual Wealth Academy. We believe every idea can be worth millions if you have vision clarity, a duplicatable workflow, the right systems, a willingness to do the work, and a team. We want to be your team!

Meet Your Instructor

Sharika Abercrombie

Hello, future millionaires. I'm Sharika Abercrombie, I have been in business since 2014. My Journey started when I founded a 501C3 non-profit organization called C.H.O.I.C.E which stands for Chosen 2 Help Others In Communities Everywhere. I mentored at-risk teens and tweens. Two years later, in 2016, I started Choice Credit Solutions, a highly successful credit restoration company. During this time, I noticed many business owners working in their businesses but had little to no time to work on further developing their businesses. They lacked business structure, a streamlined workflow, a highly converting website, automation for mundane tasks, marketing tools & strategies, and no financial direction. Their business could not grow due to not maximizing their potential cash flow.

After seeing so many businesses in disarray, I thought to myself, why is this? When we get a normal job the first thing the company does is train us to properly do our job. However, when you start a business, there is no training, so most business owners just wing it. So I set out on a mission to empower aspiring and current business owners. With my extensive knowledge of business structure and development, I began offering them proper education on how to start, operate, and grow their businesses. Along with teaching credit, business, and finance at our local community center.

After 2 years of 1 on 1's, I decided to take my own advice and scale my business, so that I could help hundreds of business owners at a time. As a result, I created Virtual Wealth Academy. We believe every idea can be worth millions if you have vision clarity, a duplicatable workflow, the right systems, a willingness to do the work, and a team. We want to be your team!


You Get Access To:


Module #1

7 Figure Mindset Challenge

In order to create a successful business it starts in the mind first.


You Get Access To:


Module #1

7 Figure Mindset Challenge

In order to create a successful business it starts in the mind first.

Module #2

The Foundation

In this module, you will learn how to properly structure your business. This is important especially when you decide to acquire business credit.

Module #3

How to Organize Your Business

In this module, you will learn business flow. We will help you create (SOP’s - Standard Operating Procedures). Which are a set of written instructions that describes the step-by-step process that must be taken to properly perform a routine activity.

Module #4

Business Branding

In this module, you will learn how to find and develop your business identity that will appeal to buyers in the marketplace.

Bonus: We will set up your website for you.

Module #5


In this module, you will learn how to sell your product or service to your target market.

Module #6

How to Get Sales

In this module, you will learn about sales funnels and how they work.

Bonus: We will set up your sales funnel for you.

Module #7


In this module, you will learn how to let the system do the work for you.

Bonus: We will set up your automation for you.

Module #8

How to Conquer Social Media

In this module, you will learn how to clean up your social media, how to establish yourself as a brand, and how to monetize.

Module #9

Let's Talk Money

In this module, you will learn about business taxes, how your money should flow, and business credit.

Module #10

The Machine

In this module, you will learn how to run or teach someone else how to operate your back office and systems.

Module #11

Hiring The Right People

In this module, you will learn when to hire, how to hire, who to hire, and how to outsource.

Module #12

Customer Service Experience

In this module, you will learn how to add value to your bottom line, by providing great customer service. So your customers will automatically grow your business. You will also learn how to de-escalate an irate customer and incentivize them through customer rewards.

Note: Without customers, you have no business.

Bonus: Sample call script templates included.

Extra Bonus:


We really want you to be successful, so you will receive additional training on different subjects through out your 12 monthly program on topics like:


Personal credit

Personal Finance

Car Rental Programs

Real Estate Investing... etc

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